Place of birth: Richmond, VA
Born: 4/14/1980
Town/City of residence: Albany, NY
Martial status + family members: Jennifer (wife)
Profession: Biologist (Environmental Specialist)
Years running: 30+
Top running accolades: Qualified for Boston, Completed multiple 50 mile ultra-marathons, completed a 140.6 triathlon
List of PRs: Mile 5:03; 5k 17:15; Marathon 3:09
Favorite distance/style: Half-Marathon, Trails, Triathlons – 70.3
Favorite race: Pfaltz Point, anything in Minnewaska, Big George Triathlon
Favorite shoe brand/style for training: Brooks
Favorite place to train: Plotterkill
Drink of choice: Nine Pin Cider
Favorite band: I listen to NPR and Classic Rock
Favorite movie: Empire Records
Favorite food: Mexican/Itailan
Hobby/past-times: Running, Gardening, Doing whatever my wife tells me to do around the house
Guilty pleasure: food, all of them