Place of birth: Schenectady, NY
Born: 10/27/1979
Town/City of residence: Delmar, NY
Martial status + family members: Married; kids are 3 and 5; old lady labrador (age unknown)
Profession: Radiologist
Years running: 36
Top running accolades: Lake George Olympic Tri 2016 4th place;
List of PRs: 5km—15:56; 10km—33:04; 8km XC—26:15;
• HS/College: Albany Academy: mile—4:40; Middlebury College (above)
• Post-College: I think a 10-miler in 57:10?
Favorite distance/style: Olympic-distance triathlon
Favorite race: Lake George Tri-Festival
Favorite shoe brand/style for training: Asics (using since 1997)
Favorite place to train: Lake Placid, NY
Drink of choice: Gin and tonic with lime on the porch in summer
Favorite band: Hmmm… impossible. Bob Dylan?
Favorite movie: Any light-hearted action movie (James Bond, action hero movies, etc)
Favorite food: Apple pie
Hobby/past-times: Family
Guilty pleasure: going to bed at 8:30 pm
Hidden talents: Skiing