Place of birth: Canton, OH (raised in Buffalo, NY)
Born: 7/31/1964
Town/City of residence: Delmar, NY
Martial status + family members: Married to Maria, with three kids (Nick, Max and Julia)
Profession: Art Director @ Albany Times-Union
Years running: 40
List of PRs: 5k-17:28, 4 miles-23:20, 10K-36:41, Half-Marathon-1:20:00, 10 miles-57:15, Marathon-3:12:00
Favorite distance/style: 10K, half-marathons and relay races (Ragnars)
Favorite races: Lake George Distance Run, Stockadeathon
Favorite shoe brand/style for training: Brooks Ghost
Favorite place to train: Crushed stone or dirt paths, streets of Delmar (Meads Lane), Ashokan Reservoir Trail, vacation exploration runs
Drink of choice: Ommegang Rare Vos
Favorite band: Wilco, Who, Ben Folds
Favorite movie: Comedy: Young Frankenstein; Sappy Sports Movie: Hoosiers and The Natural; Drama: The Godfather and The Godfather 2
Favorite food: Shalimar Indian Food, authentic Mexican Tacos
Hobby/past-times: Playing Piano
Guilty pleasure: Dark chocolate-covered graham crackers from Zabar’s, NYC
Hidden talents: Drawing, cartooning, painting, playing accordion, writing music